Apr 08

There is a statement in the Bible regarding truth that is quoted often, including in the CIA headquarters building. That statement is this:

"You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free."

This quote is from John 8:32. But what is almost always left out of this quotation from God's Word is one little word at the very beginning of the sentence. That little word is the word "then".

The word "then" implies that there is a condition to be met for the words that follow it to be true. For simply knowing the truth will NOT set a person free. It takes more than knowledge to be set free. A person must ACT on what he or she knows for that knowledge to do any good.

In fact, knowing truth or any other knowledge may not lead to freedom but to the reverse: More knowledge often leads to more bondage, not less. This too is a true statement from the Bible.

"The more knowledge, the more grief" (Eccl. 1:18).

What is the implied prerequisite for knowing the truth being able to set one free? What is that crucial requirement that one must put into action for truth to be of benefit? The answer is found in the verse immediately prior to the famous verse so often quoted about truth. John 8:31 states the action essential for truth to set one free:

"IF you hold to my teaching, THEN you really are my disciples."

Jesus spoke these words and there is no freedom in truth apart from Jesus Christ.

Scripture for today: John 8:31, 32
Thought for today: Truth does not bring freedom apart from discipleship to Jesus Christ.
Prayer for today: Lord, help me to see the truth about truth, that only in you am I set free, and not by any teachings of man that exclude you.

APR 08

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