Apr 11

That no one can come to know the truth--about reality and God--except through Jesus Christ, is not a truth that the world wants to hear, for then it is God who sets the guidelines and method, not man. But Scripture makes it clear that Jesus is the only way to know the God of truth.

The Father/God who created reality has declared the one way to know and understand this reality and its Creator:

"We know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true" (1 Jn. 5:20).

1 John 5:20 thus tells us that the Father is truth.

1 John 5:6 tells us that the Spirit is truth.

John 14:6 tells us that Jesus is truth.

God's Word thus declares that this three-in-one God is truth. Just as He is one, so truth is one. All truth is found in him and found only in Him. The diversity is united into one unity. There is only one reality and God is that ultimate reality.

All of this is not philosophical or religious jargon that is not necessary for our living our otherwise "ordinary" and "common" daily life. Much of the whole book of 1 John is devoted to expounding on these deep subjects, without ever losing their deep connection to our everyday lives. We need to know about truth, for the truth is that every moment of our lives is affected by the true nature of reality and our perception of it.

What is your perception of reality? Is it God's?

Scripture for today: 1 John 5
Thought for today: Truth is not irrelevant to my life; it is my life.
Prayer for today: Lord God, I acknowledge you as the truth. You are reality at its deepest level. Guide me into all truth -- into you.

APR 11

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